Women of Faith:  The Women of Faith Ministry is designed to uplift and motivate the women of God in their support of the ministry
and to teach the  younger women to be virtuous women. 

Men's Ministry: To encourage and develop men that they can make it against the odds against them and to teach young boys how to become strong Christian men. 

Bridging All Gaps:  Standing in the gap for those that need to hear from God is this ministry's goal that their needs will be met through
 effectual and fervent prayer. Our prayer ministry is made up of members of the body of Christ who are prayer-minded and live holy
before God. 

Food Pantry Ministry:  Reaching out to the community in meeting the needs of the hungry and less fortunate. Our focus in this ministry is
providing Thanksgiving meals to the elderly and those that need assistance. 

New Converts Ministry:  As new babes in Christ they must be taught the word of God and what it means to live holy and sanctified. This
ministry provides the basic steps of sanctification and biblical doctrine. 

Board of Christian Education:  Educational programming for the body of Christ is an essential part of church growth. This ministry seeks to
provide programming for the total family as well as traditional church programming. 

Hospitality Ministry: Providing the needs of visiting pastors, speakers, and visitors to our church, making them feel at home and
ready to experience the move of God. 

Caring Card Ministry:  This ministry seeks to let every member of our congregation know that they are thought of e.g.,Anniversary, Birthday,
Bereavement, a card is an expression of love. 

Visitation Ministry:  Going beyond prayer to the call of duty. The Lord has called us to care for those who are home bound and sick to visit and to lift their spirit. The ministry will provide and step in the gap for needs of our Saints Healing and Mending at Home. 

Community Relations Ministry:  Keeping in touch with the Community that we serve. This ministry seeks to find the needs of the community
and find appropriate ways that we can provide spiritual help. This ministry also leads our Liter Campaign for the community. 

Media/Audio Ministry:  If you missed our worship service, this ministry will be able to assist in your audio and visual copies of our services. 

Music Ministry:  Setting an atmosphere for the move of the spirit in our worship service is the foundation of our music ministry.

Youth Ministry:  Our youth is our today and our future. We provide wholesome activities for the young and the young at heart while
teaching the practical word of God for our daily lives. 

Additional Ministries:
    Ushers' Ministry
    Security Ministry
    Missionary Ministry
    Transportation Ministry
    Praise Team Ministry

Lynchburg Church of God By Faith, 
Lynchburg, SC

"The Church Where Love Abides"
Physical Location:
Lynchburg Church of God By Faith
199 Clavon Street
 Lynchburg, SC 29080

Mailing Address:
Lynchburg Church of God By Faith
PO Box 348,
 Lynchburg, SC 29080

Lynchburg Church of God By Faith
Lynchburg, SC

"The Church Where Love Abides"